
Half life 2 ptsd mod
Half life 2 ptsd mod

half life 2 ptsd mod

  • Played straighter in AI Crushes All Banks, where he seems to be robbing banks out of both a hatred for the government and his love of killing cops, and he gets so caught up in attacking cops that he accidentally shoots a few civilians.
  • Gordon: Let them know our pain! FUCK THE TROOPS!

    half life 2 ptsd mod

    Blood Knight: He starts to enjoy killing aliens and marines, but after getting his arm cut off and having it replaced with an Arm Cannon, he really becomes one of these with the perverse glee he takes in slaughtering them.Given what he went through thanks to them, it's hard to blame him. Post-Black Mesa he seems to hold a particular disdain for the U.S Military, derisively refering to them as "Boot Boys" and slaughtering them wholesale.Cheese is a restaurant, not a family entertainment center. Benrey in general tends to set him off into a rage.Badly Battered Babysitter: He essentially plays this role to the Science Team.He still refuses to kill civilians, which puts him a level above the Science Team. Ax-Crazy: Not as much as the rest of the Science Team, but as his Sanity Slippage increases, he becomes gleefully murderous and grows to enjoy slaughtering his way through marines and aliens, which goes into Blood Knight levels after getting an Arm Cannon.This odd quirk further connects Gordon with his actor - it just so happens that Wayne's mascot is a white ape. Combined with his movements, it makes him look like a curious monkey, something the cast notices in the Act 1 commentary. Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: Due to how the VR mod works, Gordon's model stands with a noticeable hunch when viewed by other players.Arm Cannon: In Act 4, Darnold's "potion" causes a fingernail-shooting minigun to grow on his right arm's stump.It sticks for the rest of Act Three, but gets restored by G Man after they defeat Benrey in Act Four. An Arm and a Leg: In Act 3, Part 1, Benrey and Bubby's coup after the lights suddenly go out in the room they were in ends with them lopping off his right arm.Ambiguous Disorder: In later episodes and the Act 3 Commentary, he suffers from some symptoms of PTSD.Downplayed, since he comes off more as a Lovable Rogue than anything. Affably Evil: In AI Crushes All Banks he’s become far more amoral and violent (and a bank robber), while also being far more cheerful and friendly than he had been originally.Actually Pretty Funny / Laughing Mad: Over time, he seems to come to find humor in his companions' antics, at least some of the time.Action Dad: Has a son and is able to fight off both aliens, the Marine Corps, and federal law enforcement alike.

    half life 2 ptsd mod

  • Accidental Murder: In spite of being the only one to try and stop the Science Team from killing random civilians, he frequently shoots civilians by accident.
  • I'm sick of you on every level imaginable.Įverybody's favorite Heroic Mime given a voice, working arms, and four manchildren to take care of.

    Half life 2 ptsd mod